Samsung NX100


As you all know me and my boyfriend are addicted shopping in new technology when its on sale...
so I cant helped myself to not buy this camera...

its original price was $599, but got it for $379... it was on sale on henry's, but theres this thing in best buy saying that, if you find a lower price ad, they can price match it plus 10% of that price... isn't great..

I'm so lucky I'm one of those customers who able to buy it... cause they dont have much stock of this camera...
I love this camera, its a compact camera, that acts like a dslr... what does that mean? meaning a dlsr but smaller... very convenient for me... 

this lens of this camera can also be remove and replace to other brands like canon and nikon, with a converter lens. too bad I have a sony dslr that I cant interchange my camera lenses....I need to buy the flash for it and it causes $300 which is crazy, cause its almost the price I got for the camera...
so I'll just use it during morning time for now...

so far I have 4 cameras, 3 that I use and all of them are new... I'm crazy ei, I'm not even a professional photographer...=P

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